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Introducing HuRLOs.

A simple, safe, and inexpensive way to protect yourself from the high costs of hurricane damage.

my hurlos

Select region:

Palm Beach, Florida

Current price per HuRLO:


Current projected payout:



A HuRLO is a Hurricane Risk Landfall Option.

Each HuRLO represents the chance that a hurricane will make landfall in one of 74 regions along the east and gulf coasts of the U.S.

The initial price of a HuRLO in hurricane prone areas (like Florida) is a little higher than it is in areas with lower risk (like Maine).

All HuRLOS purchased along the coast contribute to a single pool of funds.

These funds later get split among participants who own HuRLOs in the region where the next hurricane officially makes landfall.

So if you own a HuRLO in Palm Beach, and a hurricane makes landfall there, you get paid.

It's that simple.

It's a little extra insurance.

HuRLOs are an innovative form of supplemental insurance.

Unlike traditional wind storm insurance with high deductibles, long times to payout, and large lists of exclusions, HuRLOs are meant to put money in your pocket, right away.

Simple, safe, and effective.

HuRLOs were designed and engineered by a world class team of experts in both meteorology and finance. We invite you to learn more about the nitty gritty behind the HuRLOs solution to hurricane risk.


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about how it all works.


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